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  • clukas
    Mar 21, 06:28 PM
    I bet this will be mentioned on the next apple keynote! :D

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  • Chris Bangle
    Oct 16, 01:22 PM
    So is there a possibility of a touchscreen ipod in the next two weeks or not.

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  • jbuck777
    Apr 18, 12:39 AM
    How. Many. Full. Stops. Do. They. Want. To. Cram. Into. One. Advert? Have they ever heard of the comma? It's this really useful little squiggle that can be used to separate items in a list.

    It's not Best Buys doing....look at the welcome page for Apple.
    Its the same thing there.

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  • Casiotone
    Mar 19, 02:05 AM
    The current "iPod" app icon on the iPhone. Enough said.

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  • dubnluvn
    Sep 6, 09:13 AM
    holy chit...nice price point on the all models especially 17" and 24". Excellent upgraded 17" model too...you get a lot of good stuff for $200 more from base.

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  • Al Coholic
    May 5, 10:34 AM
    3D is so 2010-ish.

    Holograms people... we want holograms.

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  • spicyapple
    Oct 15, 02:56 PM
    I wouldn't want a stranger poking around my song playlists whether they are jacked in or Zuned in. Other than the dubious wireless song sharing capability of the Zune, I don't think it competes at all feature-wise against the iPod and won't pose a threat to Apple's delicious dominance.

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  • 4np
    Aug 24, 05:54 PM
    But Apple's server is getting hammered right now... I got through to print out the affected serial numbers, then powered down my AlBook, just to be safe, popped out the battery to see if I had a lucky number, and now that I know I do, I can't get back onto the site.

    Oh well. I'll try again later.

    One thing I wonder about is what the consequences of keeping the 'dangerous' battery as a back-up would be... I'm not really worried about it exploding, but will the Apple police come after me for not returning the old battery once they ship me a new one? Obviously, it would be my own fault if my laptop exploded when using the old battery, but I'm willing to take that risk.


    Interesting question... You need to prove in some way you indeed had that defective battery

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  • animefan_1
    Jul 22, 10:16 PM
    I agree that this would be cool, but what would make it even better is enhanced iSync or other capability for third parties to take advantage and make content available. I suppose the iTMS could handle it, but the user should be able to load whatever he or she wants on it, I would think.

    pdf's sound like a good start to me. :D

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  • barkomatic
    Apr 4, 04:13 PM
    Oh please. I find nothing positive about scaring children with a bunch of lies to get them to behave.

    I agree, but how will we make people feel guilty for murdering someone? I think we can teach children morals without religion but I think there needs to be some coordinated effort to make this possible. This author is at least trying.

    Also, believe or not atheists get cancer, lose their jobs, and generally have hard times. People need comfort and support and if there is no religion then there has to be some structure in place to help people through these difficulties.

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  • cherrypop
    Nov 8, 08:16 AM
    Ah good to see that it's not worth upgrading my Core Duo MB to the new one, I think the speed increase wil lbe negligble (comparing a 1.83Ghz CD with 1.83C2D)

    I think that's right, for the most part.

    Those Core Duo MB owners might consider a hardrive upgrade, to a 7200rpm drive, for a nice speedbump.

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  • techweenie
    Apr 17, 10:07 AM
    I'm confused. Are iPad 2s in short supply or not? If they cannot be found at multiple Apple stores, why is Apple broadening distribution to Toys R us?

    Broadening distribution -- whether new territories or new outlets in established territories -- usually follows a slow down in sales growth.

    The only other possible explanation is that some initial production constraints have been overcome and the product (or particular models of it) is arriving for Apple in numbers exceeding their ability to sell. But then, iPad 2s would be in plentiful stock in Apple stores.

    Don't get it.

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  • roadbloc
    May 5, 05:50 AM
    For the sweet love of God Apple.... NO! I HATE 3D!

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  • jamigre
    Jun 24, 07:49 PM
    The day that Steve Jobs tells me I have to use iTunes to purchase software for my laptop or desktop, or that I can't install what I want or how I want it on my personal computer I give him the big middle finger and switch to Linux or Windows.

    I already think it's ridiculous that I have to jailbreak my iPhone every 6months or so - but if the day comes that you'll have to jailbreak your comp, thanks but no thanks. I'll give up convenience for freedom.

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  • mgworek
    Sep 12, 04:14 PM
    i was hoping with the seperate media libraries that u could have more then one music library.

    oh well, one day they will let laptop users have more then one library without having to login as a different user.

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  • iStudentUK
    Apr 7, 05:13 PM
    However, I can't agree that the Bible is "neutral" or relative in that it can correctly be interpreted in any way someone chooses. The Bible is clear in it's express purpose as God's revelation of himself to mankind. The Bible is judged and interpreted against itself using the literary and textual tools of interpretation that we have available to us.

    Of course not any interpretation is valid; however, the Bible is very complex and contradicts itself in places. There is no set interpretation that can said to be right, rather a spectrum that can be justified. "Clear" is not a word I would use.

    Like all communication it can only be correctly interpreted in light of the intended meaning of it's original author. This is where faith comes into the process. Followers of Christ hold to the belief that it is God's inspired and inerrant word. The living God is it's author and he inspired men to write within their own historical and literary context to specific audiences at a specific time. All of these contexts become clues that help guide us to His intended meaning.

    This is obviously where we part ways. For me the Bible is the product of man. Nothing more.

    God's word calls us to "love one another" and to be servant leaders in bearing one another's burdens. Westboro seeks to judge, spread hate, and cause dissension. Sure they quote scripture and hide behind an illusion of faith, but they take verses out of context and aren't living out God's commands.

    However, you are still using one interpretation that you have chosen. There is no way to know if you are right. I agree that WBC are at the extreme end, but the overall message of the Bible doesn't seem to be clear. Just look at the issue of homosexuality- many "normal" (you know what I mean!) Christians find homosexuality difficult to justify, whilst others have no issue with it. The Bible states many times how "wrong" homosexuality is but other passages suggest otherwise. Both interpretations seem to be possible without stretching the facts.

    So whilst it may be possible to say the WBC aren't living out God's commands, it's not possible to say whether the Christian that is uncomfortable homosexuals is living out God's commands or not. I would hope God would have no issue with homosexuality, but that hope is based upon an extrinsic sense of morality.

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  • sishaw
    Jan 11, 03:08 PM
    Silly rabbits.Apple is talking about the new wireless Apple TV and associated iTunes movie rentals you download from them satellites ;)

    OK, but can they transmit directly to the receiver in my tooth?

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  • OMGteh.nterweb
    Aug 3, 10:08 AM
    Herr go an ABC news story where it's mentioned.

    Experts Discuss Wireless Vulnerability (http://abcnews.go.com/Technology/wireStory?id=2266507)

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  • ZipZap
    Mar 29, 03:59 AM
    WWDC 2003: PowerMac G5, iLife.

    WWDC 2004: 23 and 30 inch cinema displays, iTunes 4.9

    WWDC 2006: Mac Pro

    WWDC 2008: iPhone 3G

    WWDC 2009: iPhone 3GS, 13 inch MacBook Pro, and bumps to the 15/17 Pros.

    WWDC 2010: iPhone 4

    There is a lot of precedent for hardware and software announcements at WWDC, including a lot of stuff that doesn't directly impact developers. It's a big media event, and Apple saves on throwing two events close together in the summer by announcing things at WWDC.

    Yes, its the hardware that keeps the developers in business. WWDC should not be exclusively about software and even Apple agrees judging from the list above.

    Maybe they will feature the Macbook Air Revision this year ;)

    Jan 11, 04:21 PM
    that is just the refresh rate being captured. and since it is just a lcd screen the lines are going horizontal, and its turned sideways.
    If you look at the picture of the iPhone poster, it seems to have a couple of subtle differences compared to my iPhone:

    1) The white etching on the home button seems rounder than current iPhones

    2) The In Call screen is different, and is that a desktop above the call status? Looks like somefiles icons there

    3) Look very, very carefully at the top left hand corner: Is there a front facing camera hidden amongst the reflections?

    Maybe I'm just suffering from pre macworld hallucinations, but that certainly looks different to my iPhone...

    May 5, 03:09 PM
    iPad 3 - iPad 3D

    I could really see that, with the iPhone 3G (it was actually the 3rd phone) and had 3G.

    3G was the 2nd. 3GS was the third.

    This would be absolutely awesome! As long as its implimented well and that it has a virtual 3D slider to adjust how much it's all popping up at you.

    Sep 12, 02:49 PM
    Well the coverflow was available long time back at www.steelskies.com/coverflow

    Looks like the guy sold the app to the apple and made lots of money.

    Jan 11, 04:34 PM
    me too...!

    for a designer with such a relationship with typefaces as yours you should know that Apple's usual font is Myriad Set and that this is in fact a version of Myriad Set, just the rarely used 'light' version

    see here for comparison: http://img508.imageshack.us/my.php?image=myriadrd6.png

    I agree. I came to the end just to say that the font is Myriad Pro Light. The perspective may be throwing people off but if you really work with typefaces this was obvious.

    May 4, 11:00 PM
    This almost requires that iCloud be a free service for iOS users. A back up is prudent for any OS upgrade so having all or nearly all of your phone's personal data backed up or exclusively stored in the cloud would be a system that would allow iOS devices not have to rely on an iTunes direct link.