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  • rxse7en
    Aug 3, 06:02 PM
    MacBook Pro 17" C2D + Adobe Creative Suite Universal
    MacBook Pro 17" C2D + Adobe Creative Suite Universal
    MacBook Pro 17" C2D + Adobe Creative Suite Universal
    MacBook Pro 17" C2D + Adobe Creative Suite Universal
    MacBook Pro 17" C2D + Adobe Creative Suite Universal

    My mantra for announcements voodoo. :D

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  • Funny Kittens - Funny Kitten

  • tivoboy
    Mar 25, 02:58 PM
    Can anyone who has done the update confirm whether or not PING is ON by default or not?

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  • Funny Cat and Dog Videos

  • DocNo
    Apr 14, 11:25 PM
    In other words, what we saw tonight was nowhere near the final form of the application.

    This statement has me a bit puzzled. FCP is supposed to be out in around 2 months. Are they going to rush the rest into FCP in this amount of time, or get the basics in there, then drag onto multiple updates?

    I think it's simpler than that - Apple wasn't ready to tip their full hand, just whet everyone's appetite.

    Hence us seeing an older, less complete build while the final version is still being polished.

    And I have no doubt their will be some quick post-release updates - that's the way of life for complicated applications and it has been for quite a while now. The applications are complex, the underlying operating systems are complex, and how they interact with other applications and utilities installed on the system are also incredibly complex. If you have a low tolerance for stability, wait a least a year before switching to it for production work. That's not a symptom of Apple being sloppy, it's a matter of pragmatic risk management.

    For those who are expressing outrage that perfect and bug-free applications aren't being delivered - you couldn't afford them. While it can be done, it can't be done for consumer (or even "Pro") level pricing.

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  • Very Funny Cats Funny Kittens

  • joepunk
    Sep 14, 12:38 PM
    I have no idea if this really happened. (
    a Spartan is apparently circling Trafalgar Square in a jetpack

    Would be cool if it really did happen but I have my doubts unless someone here confirms the photo.

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  • funny kitten videos.

  • tk421
    Nov 27, 07:21 PM
    I worked in radio at the time. That list was fake.

    I'm sorry; the list was real ( It wasn't an official ban per se, more of a suggestion, sent by Clear Channel Communications to stations they owned.

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  • Your Favorite Animal: and

  • Balli
    Sep 12, 03:36 PM
    Can the new Nanos play videos?

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  • Super Funny Stuff Kitten

  • Sydde
    Apr 4, 03:16 PM
    A child does not naturally grow up to be socially responsible or kind. They naturally grow up to be self-centered and violent unless a parent or authority teaches them otherwise.

    As negative as I think religion can be, it has set a code of conduct for people that enables cooperation and empathy for others.

    Sorry, that is utter crap. My best friend in grade school was raised completely without religion, and he is the nicest person in the world. Meanwhile, there are copious and abundant examples of self-centered, amoral, greedy bastards preaching jesus to the masses: if religion cannot help them, what value is it?

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  • funny kitten pictures.

  • BRLawyer
    Sep 12, 03:46 PM
    Colors are fugly, as are the square ipod mini corners.
    You would think the designer would take a trip to Tokyo once in awhile.

    How about mocha chocolate, orange, or white.

    Ipods used to be small status items. These look like sh**

    I will take the new shuffle, at least it is small & I can hide it.

    And you are not a troll, right? :rolleyes: Do ya want a new Nano or not? :rolleyes:

    funny kitten videos. Shelved under Funny Cat
  • Shelved under Funny Cat

  • sierra oscar
    Aug 24, 12:10 PM
    It was only hours ago I read that the batteries in Apple's products were cleared.

    What is the source of this recall?

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  • Funny Kitty Likes Cement

  • Konz
    Nov 12, 11:37 AM
    Where's the irony? :confused:

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  • Funny Videos of Cats and

  • tigress666
    Apr 18, 11:06 AM
    Here's everything you need to know about Best Buy: When they were selling 6 foot HDMI cables for $70, claiming that it cost that much to produce them, I bought a 50 footer on-line for $75. And yes it's still working, five years later. Before anyone jumps on Monster for the overpricing, my on-line distributor told me at the time that he could buy the same Monster cable that BB was selling at $70 for $24. Still too much, for sure. But assuming that BB gets even better volume pricing than him, they were selling it for at least a 200% markup.

    Rant complete. I feel better now... :D

    As much as I really hate Best Buy (I will not give them a dime of my money, and it has been like this since 2001/2), I wouldn't hold this against them. They will price something they feel the market will pay. A lot of the items they sell are not ones they can make much, if any money on (laptops, computers, stuff like that. Their costs are high on those that they can't really price them higher than what they pay). So they have to make up for it in the peripherals which are dirt cheap but they can get people to pay a lot more for. Pricing isn't about only charging a little more extra than what you pay, it's about what people will pay and what will actually get you a profit enough to run the business.

    My roommate worked for CompUSA 10 years ago and their employee discount was that they paid what CompUSA paid for stuff. The discount was pretty much non existant on computers cause of that reason.

    So, why do you go there.

    Must have been there 4-5 times over the last 10 years. The place "feels" creepy. The sales personnel rarely knows what they are talking about and their pricing is usually too high.

    They feel like the old car dealer ships, where from the moment you come in the start licking their chops:-)

    Good thing we have online shopping!

    Pretty much. It's too bad that Best Buy is one of the few places these days to go to look at computer stuff, it's still nice to go to the brick and mortar store. I'm lucky I at least have a Fry's relatively close (with gas prices though they're far enough to be costly to get to :( ).

    But yeah, I don't shop there. I will occasionally use them to go look at a product. Last time I was in there was to check out the Nintendo 3DS. I get the feeling Best Buy isn't doing so well. Half their lights were out (like how stores will put the lighting when the store is closed and it is only employees, but this was middle of the day) and it really made it feel dingy.

    I hate to tell them, but I think that's a big thing that helped killed Circuit City. When they weren't doing well they started not updating the interior of the store, and doing stuff that made it look dingy and unfun to shop at. You don't want your store to look like it's doing badly.

    (and I'm just spiteful enough that if they do go out of business, I'm hoping it is their cruddy customer service chasing customers away that bit them in the a**. It will be more disappointing if it was just not being able to compete with online places - maybe it will be a combo of both. Not being able to compete with prices and having crappy customer service that doesn't convince people it's worth the extra price).

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  • pindkaas
    Nov 8, 06:02 AM
    Dutch Apple store is down too!

    When its up and running with new macbooks, i'm the first to order one!

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  • Funny video of an uber

  • Tec972
    Nov 25, 10:00 AM
    This is no longer true.

    Music from iTunes has been DRM free since April 2009.

    Don't you have to pay extra for that?? For the few things I have purchased on there it won't play unless it's on my account.

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  • Warbrain
    Nov 8, 09:29 AM
    Touche:D :D !!!!!!!!!!!

    Do you even know how to use that word?

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  • Pictures amp; Funny Videos

  • balamw
    Mar 15, 04:00 PM
    Some funding results in more jobs than others.

    Not all cuts are created equal, and not all spending results in the same benefit. (Tax cuts result in almost no economic benefit, but unemployment results in a large economic multiplier).

    (I presume you mean spending on unemployment benefits).

    Clearly, but as a SWAG (scientific wild ass guess) I think the back of the envelope is within a factor of two of reality. i.e. The jobs impact of a $60B cut in the federal budget would eliminate ~100K to 400K direct federal and first-line contractor jobs. (I'm not counting the ripple effects of the loss of those jobs on other folks like the grocery store clerk etc...). In the worst case scenario this is comparable to the total number rdowns was saying are employed by the top 10 defense contractors.

    My point was that any cut in spending that is large enough to make a real difference in reducing the deficit will result in large numbers of lost jobs.

    I think it would be nice if the online balance the 2015 budget tool from earlier in the thread would incorporate this at some level in their model to show the expected effect of federal + direct federal contractor jobs when funds are re-allocated.

    For the spending part of the equation I think this can be estimated directly from current reality, you could count the dollars spent and jobs created within the federal government and first-line contractors for each department or line in the budget. However, the revenue part of it depends on how you interpret the numbers and thus on your ideology. (I think it's a weaker correlation anyhow).


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  • Cats Funny Big Video Cat

  • emotion
    Nov 8, 08:05 AM
    It's only �20 more now than a same-spec white one. Cheaper than before I think.

    I was just about to post this. The UK store appears down for me at the moment. This is based on the edu price (the UK edu store is up for me).

    I'm teetering the edge of buying the black one. If that price was for a 1x1GB memory config I'd be a lot more tempted.

    I think I can wait until the MBP 13.3 that will be announced in January (alongside the touchscreen ipod). :D

    funny kitten videos. Funny Videos of Cats – Kitten
  • Funny Videos of Cats – Kitten

  • CrazyWingman
    Sep 6, 09:46 AM
    It's a workstation, not a desktop. Yes there is a difference.
    A Mac pro as a home desktop is like a Freightliner with a Pickup bed.

    :) You should make your signature link here ( It's not quite a freightliner, but close enough.

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  • janstett
    Mar 19, 08:36 AM
    i'm not 100% sure, but you could swap the hd on your photo with a 240gb hd,
    many have done this before.
    (i'm sure you can do it with the "thick" 5g ipod, the 4g ipod may have a different hd connector)
    i think the 5g ipod is the best piece of engineering ever made to listen to music outdoor.
    i've never liked the "innovative" split screen software on 6g (classic), and my 80gb was somewhat slow and suffered click wheel issues, never fixed.
    i really regret i've sold my 5g 60gb white ipod.. i've paid it 450€ 5 years ago!!! :eek:

    I've done it on two 5.5g iPods. The problem is iTunesDB on the iPod breaks down when you get to around 33,000 songs (and Rockbox doesn't do any better). Nobody really gets it right anyway, I bought a 500 gb Android Tablet (Archos 5) and it too breaks down around 33,000 songs.

    I'd love to see a big iPod classic or a touch with a HD. But for now I have to settle for streaming to my phone with AudioGalaxy. But then you have to deal with loss in quality and bandwidth restrictions on both your home ISP and your cell provider.

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  • Liquorpuki
    Nov 12, 03:04 PM
    I thought he was gonna share a specific experience or incident that got him fed up

    Instead he's just vehemently opposed to the model, which means he should have never started coding in the first place. When you code a release up to 3.0 and then quit on basic principle, that's retarded

    Aug 3, 05:45 PM
    Oh ya... he's something cheesie... this has been on my mind for a while. In january, Steve demoed GarageBand and showed how to make PodCast. He did that fake podcast and said 'Hi this is steve, and this is my Super secret apple PodCast' then he proceded to make jokes about the next iPod... he said the next iPod coming out would have a 10 inch screen and weigh 8 pounds.
    Well... Tuesday is 8/10

    Remember 2 years ago when Jobs demoed Spotlight... he searched for 'Paris' then searched for iMac. Sure enough... the iMac G5 was released at Paris.

    I just thought that was interesting.
    Way cool, you are officially my new guru. :) Conspiracy theory is a sadly forgotten art.

    Mar 29, 08:29 AM
    That just seems wrong. Something looks fishy here. Do you know if it was just that location?

    Not sure if it was just this location, but everyone was complaining. The ipads came in single boxes with ipad and apple care inside, so I assume that it is part of the deal with Apple.

    Aug 4, 08:01 PM
    The G5 cases were/are absolutely giant -- to accommodate the massive amount of airflow the G5 chip needed. With this Intel chip running much cooler, it shouldn't require the need of a giant case with huge heat sinks.I was thinking that myself. If it's just a retro fit with a bunch of wasted space it just won't be right for a pro box, IMHO.

    Oct 5, 05:26 PM
    It looks as if the initial server load is starting to die down, because the guys at Bungie have finally flipped the switch to allow your player model to update in realtime again. This worked for a short while when the game first launched, but in order to cut down on some load, they turned the feature off. But now that we can see them, what is everyone using for their armor and stuff?? Here is my player...

    Aug 3, 08:44 PM
    Here's a work around maybe. Under Systems Preferences > Network > Airport

    Click on Configure and then Options...

    I wonder if this is a specific to X86 hardware... Does this effect ppc based hardware?

    Oh, probably should ask for admin psswd to change networks as well...

    The issue is, the computer will automatically connect to a spoofed wireless network. Meaning, they can grab the SSIDs you've ever connected to in your preferred networks list right out from the air, as both OSX and XP broadcast such information. If they find an open network, they can broadcast on their computer as an Access Point with that SSID. A lot of people don't seem to understand this. Theoretically, you could be working on your computer at a non-wifi airport and someone else can come in, see your SSIDs being broadcast by your card, and create a faux wireless network with that access point name. This type of attack has been known for a VERY long time though, I'm surprised this has just come out as soon as it did.