fighter plane wallpaper

fighter plane wallpaper. 190-D9 Fighter Plane Photo
  • 190-D9 Fighter Plane Photo

  • hiyel
    Sep 12, 04:53 PM
    So how do you work this Album Artist tag?

    What I would expect is to put the artists (separated by comas or something) in that tag, and then that song will show up under all those listed artists.

    The way it is now doesn't make any difference in organization/categorization of the archive.

    How do you guys use it?

    fighter plane wallpaper. fighter plane . SCREENSHOTS
  • fighter plane . SCREENSHOTS

  • iPhelim
    Jan 11, 05:10 PM
    THis is one of the most ridiculous posts I have read on this thread. Sorry. So you want Apple to go around the world creating contracts with all mobile operators in the world, so you can use 3G FOR FREE???!! Which isn't even available everywhere??!!.

    Is that not what they are practically doing with the uh....urm...i dunno...iPHONE? Plus, the original poster only mentioned AT&T, they didnt talk about it going international.

    fighter plane wallpaper. World War II fighter plane
  • World War II fighter plane

  • Yvan256
    Jul 23, 05:09 PM
    3P apps and games? I'm all for it but it would blur the simplicity of the ipod and effectively make it a PDA, i'm not sure Apple/iPod/iTunes is ready to take this step.

    The competition is ready. Wether they have a good product or not is besides the point. Apple needs to enter that "merged market" soon or the iPod will lose its edge.

    The fact is, the less gadgets we have to carry around, the better it is. Except that the "merged gadget" needs to be able to do all things perfectly, no half-baked solutions.

    I wouldn't mind an iPod that could play music, play movies, have games/apps, Safari, Mail (and Wi-Fi, obviously). How about a built-in iTMS access too? These things wouldn't make the iPod "not an iPod" as long as its well implemented.

    fighter plane wallpaper. HD Fighter Plane
  • HD Fighter Plane

  • Digital Skunk
    Apr 11, 09:11 AM
    Without being too argumentative, the problem is people want a specific device and unlimited data. You can get unlimited data in a number of ways - just not necessarily with a specific device.

    Actually, subscription makes sense when you consider:
    a) You have the latest version at a known fixed cost
    b) As a lease, rather than buy, it becomes tax deductible in full with no depreciation
    c) If you only use some apps infrequently, it may be cheaper than a full suite

    So it may make sense for some companies and or individuals.

    You don't sound argumentative at all, and in fact you make sense. I never considered the device specific data plans that do and do not have caps.

    The subscription model is nice for those reasons you mention, and I do see a lot of high end Adobe shops buying into it. It does make sense for them. The small time freelancer is going to be a tough call IMHO.

    I have been looking to see how Adobe will handle the initial software distribution, e.g. do I have to plunk down $xxx.xx amount of money to get the software, then pay $35 a month or whatever for the license? Haven't found anything yet.

    fighter plane wallpaper. Classic Fighter Plane 800x600
  • Classic Fighter Plane 800x600

  • Josias
    Aug 24, 12:07 PM
    WTF? Is this the thing about the 12" BP and 12/14" iB batteries they've had on their website for 400 years?

    fighter plane wallpaper. aircraft carrier uss
  • aircraft carrier uss

  • d0minick
    Mar 21, 01:48 PM
    this made my day. little things like this go a long way for a companies user base. Reminds me of Pixar's stint for a little girls dying request to see the movie (

    fighter plane wallpaper. F-35 Fighter Plane Photo
  • F-35 Fighter Plane Photo

  • roland.g
    Sep 5, 09:17 AM
    Remember it's an Apple Media Event. It just means that Steve is going to intro the iPod Hi-Fi in all Black and tell us it sounds even better than before.

    fighter plane wallpaper. IAF fighter planes wallpapers
  • IAF fighter planes wallpapers

  • motulist
    Oct 15, 10:59 PM
    please allow me to complete your thought.

    enjoy it, ladies and gents..

    Is that comic sans font? How appropriate.

    fighter plane wallpaper. IAF fighter planes wallpapers
  • IAF fighter planes wallpapers

  • rwilliams
    Mar 12, 10:25 AM
    My 13" Whitebook is literally falling apart. Im buying a new 13" Pro as soon as its updated

    What happened to it?

    fighter plane wallpaper. blackbird fighter plane
  • blackbird fighter plane

  • iApache
    Oct 25, 09:53 PM
    ^ Thank you very much!

    fighter plane wallpaper. Fighter-Planes. free wallpaper
  • Fighter-Planes. free wallpaper

  • buffalo
    Sep 12, 03:56 PM
    I personaly liked the design of the original Nano better, but im temptedto trade in my 4GB black nano for an 8 GB one!

    Too bad its personalized :(

    Which part of the new 8 GB nano is personalized? You don't have to get an engraving... :confused:

    fighter plane wallpaper. American Fighter aircraft
  • American Fighter aircraft

  • afields
    Jan 11, 04:22 PM
    Look! Up in the sky!

    Is it a bird?

    It's a plane!

    No! It's an partially eaten flying apple!

    It's landing!

    [time passes]

    Something's coming out of it!

    [gasps and screams of anticipation]


    OMG! He must be using the new iFly! What's that, Superman? It flies better than you?

    [Superman smiles and winks, and flies off, presumably to fight crime, but actually to go find Lois]

    Introducing the new Apple iFly. Better than Superman.

    Wow! I want to fly it over the Atlantic ocean!

    Look everyone! An Apple PR rep just stepped out of the iFly! What's that Apple PR rep? It can't fly above water yet? It's a bug that's going to be fixed in a software update?

    And you can fill it's 32GB of storage by syncing with iTunes on your Mac or PC? Wow!

    Everyone swarm the iFly!

    [riot ensues]

    this brought the lols

    fighter plane wallpaper. planes wallpapers. fighter
  • planes wallpapers. fighter

  • mdntcallr
    Nov 7, 08:43 AM

    Apple has dropped the ball here. Now that most laptops ship with the same chips, Apple can't claim the "Mhz Myth" or anything like that. They will have to keep up to speed, no pun intended.

    dude, the operating system is better. it isnt just the cpu.

    fighter plane wallpaper. IAF fighter planes wallpapers
  • IAF fighter planes wallpapers

  • mattwolfmatt
    Mar 28, 01:26 PM
    Because getting your iToy within eye sight of a 300 Lb round-belly hillbilly or 400 Lb woman in pink stretch pants and camel toe does not make for the best experience.

    Uh, news flash, they still let those people in Apple Stores, too. Last I checked, this WAS America.

    fighter plane wallpaper. F-22 Raptor fighter jet
  • F-22 Raptor fighter jet

  • ddrueckhammer
    Sep 12, 04:21 PM
    Strangely, the iTunes update was the best thing to come out of the announcements for me today.

    Updated regular iPods- Meh
    Updated iPod Nanos-Why didn't they just come out with a flash based Mini last year?
    Updated Shuffle-New form factor..nothing really new though...
    Selling Movies-BLAH...Too expensive and no rental option...who cares
    iTV-Somewhat interesting but without cheaper movies/rentals I'm not sure I would use it. I don't know that I want to rip all of my DVDs to take advantage of it.
    iTunes Update!!!-Woohoo! Many of the complaints of users are addressed and several slick new features! Probably the best iTunes update in two years IMO!!

    fighter plane wallpaper. Fighter planes Wallpaper,
  • Fighter planes Wallpaper,

  • jschu22
    Mar 21, 01:28 PM
    And now let the angry "I still can't even find one to buy!" rants.

    I'm very amused by this and would love to have been a fly on the wall at Apple when this was all discussed.

    fighter plane wallpaper. Fighter planes Wallpaper,
  • Fighter planes Wallpaper,

  • ruy
    Sep 26, 10:12 AM
    Nobody can stop the tide of technology, not even Walmart.

    fighter plane wallpaper. Classic Fighter Plane
  • Classic Fighter Plane

  • Brett McD
    Sep 4, 06:25 PM
    If you try going to:

    it gives you a page that says:

    403 Forbidden
    You don't have permission to access /movies on this server.

    Does this mean anything?

    fighter plane wallpaper. Fighter plane Normal 4:3
  • Fighter plane Normal 4:3

  • bmsamson
    Nov 8, 09:10 AM
    I am mostly complaining between the mismatch between the 1.83 and the 2.0 model in terms of what 200$ buy (512MB RAM, Double Processor Cache, HD space, Superdrive, Processor Speed).

    They should have lowered the price of the 1.83 entry model to reflect how cripled it is. I can not see anybody considering it as a realistic choice.

    ok, i'll buy that, sorry i snapped. i had always been planning on the 2gig model, because it seemed like so much more for the money in even the first release. true, now that's even more the case, and indeed, what i'm buying

    Sep 12, 04:33 PM
    iTunes puts Music Videos in with music. You can change that, select your file, hit command I and select the video tab. If you want it to show up under Movies or TV, just change it in the menu that appears.

    Thank you for the clarification, however when I do command-i and choose "Video", the pull-down menu is greyed out. I tried this with several videos, and it's the same: I am unable to change video type on my music videos downloaded from the iTunes Store (American Idiot, etc.). They were all downloaded well before today's updates, so I don't know if that's the problem or not (maybe ones bought afterwards will not cause this problem?)

    Are other people experiencing the same problem?

    Aug 24, 07:00 PM

    I wish you had read my post a little more closely. I did not go through with the exchange process because the form did not accept my serial number as is. I had changed the last letter to see if it would accept something else.

    Regardless of that, I will wait til an appropriate time to call or try online again with my serial number. No doubt it will work later either online or on the phone.

    odd works for me too changing the last letter to a B instead of an A

    Nov 7, 06:12 AM you think this upgrade will solve the ramdon MB crash problems? Or do you think, as someone told me yesterday, that this problems might be already be solved?

    They were solved already with the last firmware update...and we're gonna have new MBs until next Tuesday, I am pretty sure.

    Sep 12, 02:23 PM
    :confused: Here's a possibly dumb question, but per Apple's support site, the following video play back specs are given for iPod (5G) playback:

    iPod can play the following video formats:

    File formats: .m4v, .mp4, and .mov
    Video: Up to 768 kbits/sec, 320 x 240, 30 frames per second (fps), Baseline Profile up to Level 1.3.
    Audio: AAC-LC up to 160 kbits/sec, 48 Khz, and stereo audio.
    File formats: .m4v, .mp4, and .mov
    Video: Up to 2.5 Mbits/sec, 480 x 480, 30 fps, Simple Profile.
    Audio: AAC-LC up to 160 kbits/sec, 48 Khz, stereo audio.

    How will the new, higher resolution video play back on the current iPods? Do they currently have higher resolution capability that Apple was just holding back through software?:confused:

    Great question!

    I am wondering the same thing, along with the question of wether or not the current 5G ipod will get the software updates (besides the obvious update to allow it to play these new games) that include some of the features the new 5.5G ipod gets.

    I would assume that the loading construct for playing H.264 videos on the ipod, will automatically scale down the video to fit the ipod screen. This may also mean less artifacts while watching videos on the ipod screen, as the encode quality will be higher off the bat !

    Sep 13, 04:12 PM
    The new ones are ever so slightly thinner and have rounded edges like a mini. I put mine up against my partners 1st gen (in it's rather scratched case) so you could see.

    I changed my mind on the packaging pic too. When the iPod's in there it's like a little glass coffin :)

    57407 57408

    Nice pictures!

    I love it. Personally, I prefer the previous nano box, but if this is helping the environment then I'm happy!