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  • viperguy
    Apr 12, 02:09 PM

    Being a Brazilian I can easily say that not only import taxes are high here - hiring people is one hell of an expensive move too. It`s actually one of the big reasons why lots of companies do not have factories here! Most of them go to China - that`s where production is cheap.
    Even if Foxconn decides to pay the minimun wage here, there`s still so many taxes, fees and other stuff that they`ll have to pay for the workers that I find it hard for it to be good at all for either Apple or Fox.

    So.. if you were waiting for this move to reduce the prices on :apple: gadgets, keep waiting.. because it`s more likely they will raise it even more :p

    I don`t know but I`m a bit skeptical about this. Especially since we`re talkin about 12U$ billion!

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  • iDisk
    Mar 28, 08:19 PM

    Glad personally the focus is back on software, cause thats what keeps people attracted to Apple! and fundamentally thats what they are

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  • Clive At Five
    Sep 22, 12:52 PM
    Last I checked, Wal*Mart sells iPods (Shuffles at least), correct? So a victory in the iPod dep't is a victory for Wal*Mart....?

    Okay, probably not. Still, Wal*mart could try to work out some sort of deal with Apple as well... but that's unlikely.

    Poor Wal*Mart. After ol' Sam kicked the bucket, the company just hasn't been the same. Now his greedy kids are turning it into an evil empire.


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  • selena gomez hot kiss videos.

  • haruki
    Mar 22, 09:48 PM
    The next time she sends him out to buy pads, I'll bet she's more specific...

    :D Everyone made fun of the name when it first came out, now everyone's tagging "pad" onto their wannabe.

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  • tk421
    Nov 27, 07:21 PM
    I worked in radio at the time. That list was fake.

    I'm sorry; the list was real ( It wasn't an official ban per se, more of a suggestion, sent by Clear Channel Communications to stations they owned.

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  • Selena Gomez Makes The List

  • cav23j
    Mar 25, 12:54 PM
    waits for Verizon to get the exclusive on next update 4.4

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  • sparkleytone
    Aug 3, 11:48 AM
    There's no use whining. It makes our community look bad and doesn't do anything positive. These things happen and vulnerabilities exist. Its not about who's driver it is or if its part of the OS. Its about how quickly Apple responds, how they respond, and the vulnerability being fixed.

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  • selena gomez hot wallpapers.

  • Koodauw
    Sep 12, 02:07 PM
    Just ordered the black 8GB. Was tempted by the silver, but bigger and blacker won out.

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  • Koodauw
    Sep 12, 02:07 PM
    Just ordered the black 8GB. Was tempted by the silver, but bigger and blacker won out.

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  • ~Shard~
    Sep 6, 09:44 AM
    Exactly why it wouldnt happen, cause Apple doesn't want to give people choice at one price point. Its either desktop or portable.... pick ur price... and low beho thats the mac for you. Period. No disputing the great Oracles at Cupertino.

    Yeah, and that's a great thing for the consumer... Apple will tell you what you need and you'll buy it and like it dammit... :rolleyes:

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  • selena gomez hot photos.

  • Zadillo
    Sep 6, 08:26 AM
    One thing that strikes me...... doesn't this cause some confusion since Intel uses the "Core 2 Duo" name for both the mobile Merom chips and the desktop Conroe chips? Not that most consumers would know the difference anyway, but it seems like people see "Core 2 Duo" in the desktop iMac, and the assumption would be that it would be the same "Core 2 Duo" processor found in other desktops, not the mobile version.

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  • Disney Star Selena Gomez Hot

  • eva01
    Aug 24, 06:43 PM
    Will this recall ever expire?
    The reason im asking is that my 3k550 A1079 12" PB battery only has been through 18 battery loadcycles and still has 100% capacity according to cocounut battery...

    Im wondering If I should get it replaced right now or wait untill my current battery starts running out of juice? What would you guys do?

    edit: My pb warps every once in a while, could a new battery fix the problem?

    and risk having the battery catch on fire or actually do something worse? that would be stupid

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  • Analog Kid
    Aug 3, 02:16 AM
    It's a usb wireless card, I presume. He holds it up, flicks out the (usb) connector and plugs it into the left side of the Macbook. While he sticks in the card he says: "...we're using 3rd party hardware..."

    I hope you're not referring to me when you say "people are so quick to call this an unfair attack on Apple". :confused:
    Not referring to you at all, Gekko. You're adding the kind of informed discussion I look forward to here. And thanks for helping the "blind" and cluing me in on what was going on.

    I'm finally out from behind the firewall and watched the video, which I have to say is very well done.

    The title of the demo is "Device Drivers: Don't build a house on shaky ground." They are drawing attention to a serious problem and most people here are missing the point because all the blood rushed to their heads when they saw the Mac logo.

    They clearly say this is not Apple's problem, it's because of buggy code in a 3rd party driver. They're using the Mac for a reason here-- they are specifically making the point that it doesn't matter how much trust you put into your OS vendor, you can get hosed by any poorly made USB thingy that you stick in the side.

    Take that home with you-- Apple may have a more secure OS but all of that can go out the window with a bad peripheral. This could just as easily have been a video camera that had a malicious file loaded onto it and a bad driver. Or, it could have been a printer with a bad print driver and a bad Bluetooth implementation that let an attacker pass through the printer into your machine.

    They didn't run this demo live because they didn't want anyone in the audience to sniff the traffic and release it into the wild. Very responsible to the verge of being paranoid.

    If there is a problem here it with the Washington Post who didn't clearly explain the problem. Maybe they didn't understand it themselves...

    Drivers are an achilles heel of any OS. They give direct access to the kernel and bypass any security the OS can try to provide. They almost have to do that if you're going to allow 3rd party hardware to work with the machine. It was also a poorly written driver that allowed the DVD encryption to be cracked-- the vendor left the keychain available in plaintext.

    This is a very difficult problem to solve. MS has talked about only allowing "signed drivers" to be run-- meaning that MS has to approve anything before it's loaded and that caused a developer outcry because it made MS the gatekeeper of all new hardware.

    One way to minimize the exposure is to rely on a small number of standard interfaces. Less interfaces mean less points of entry that need to be tested. Apple does this very well-- almost out of necessity. Ever notice how every new piece of hardware comes with a disc you need to install under Windows but just seems to work with your Mac? It's because Apple connects through a standard interface (say, Mass Storage, or Digital Camera) and the vendor tries to get fancy for Windows and roll their own. They do it for windows because they think it's worth the effort to "differentiate" themselves in that crowded market while Mac users can see that those bells or whistles aren't necessary.

    The point of the video is to show that the bells and whistles can also be dangerous.

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  • ghostlyorb
    Mar 21, 07:58 PM
    Lucky guy. The wife probably is PO'd.... haha

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  • KnightWRX
    Apr 17, 08:21 AM
    Toys R Us? Seriously? What a bizzarre place to buy a tablet PC. I guess we'll be seeing them with the Fisher Price laptops.
    I think it's more odd that Toys R Us wants it. It's so far off their normal product type, but it could be that Toys R Us is looking for new segments to open

    You're right, it is, they usually stick to HP, ASUS and Toshiba Laptops :

    Did you even bother to look up what Toys r' Us sells before making that comment ? This isn't a "new segment to open".

    in order to try and save their business????

    Why is every business but Apple struggling and looking to save themselves ? :rolleyes: Why is it everytime a company other than Apple is mentionned around this forum, it has to be close to bankruptcy and desperate to generate revenue and relevency ?

    News flash, a lot of businesses aren't struggling at all, even if they aren't associated with Apple.

    selena gomez hot pics. Selena Gomez Hot Pictures,
  • Selena Gomez Hot Pictures,

  • Fredou51
    Sep 12, 02:07 PM
    Can we get the new ones with the school promotion?
    I don't think so because if you add a computer to the cart, it says "Get a free nano.. blahblahblah" and it links to a page with the old nano model but a lower price. The pdf mail-in-rebate has also been updated with two columns, one with the old prices (ordered before sept 12) and one with the new prices (ordered after sept 12) but always with the old model.

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  • Cute Singer Selena Gomez Hot

  • hansiedejong
    Oct 11, 07:56 AM
    Love your light, where did you get it from?
    Thanks, it's a Philips LivingColors LED lamp:

    I don't live in the USA, I'm from the Netherlands. Philips is a Dutch company, so here in the Netherlands you can buy it everywhere.

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  • Selena Gomez: Hot List Party

  • hasselhoff
    Sep 12, 04:31 PM
    I think I figured out what is bothering me so much with the UI (other than the flash-like scroll bars):

    Every aspect of iTunes uses Apple's system font, EXCEPT for the iTunes Store - all of a sudden it's Arial, or Helvetica, or really throws me off. All of the Mac OS (not just iTunes) uses Lucida Grande, except for the store.

    Very strange, and un-apple looking.

    selena gomez hot pics. selena gomez hot pictures.
  • selena gomez hot pictures.

  • GeekOFComedy
    Oct 13, 06:33 PM
    I hate to impose and I don't want to come across as creepy, but I was wondering if you could draw up a rough schematic of your room; I love the layout.

    Sure but it's tiny and i think i drew it out of portion as that bed i drew looks giant!

    Apr 16, 07:07 PM
    Your statement makes no since. Windows is a hardware dependent OS. If you have the hardware it will run. Buying a 400 dollar Hp is different then running it on a 800 ASUS. You are use to using low grade windows computers. I use Both macs and Highgrade windows based PCs (ASUS & Sony) I see no issues with any of them. Some one game me an HP and it was a piece of ****. I am using an ASUS board right now and I am in LOVE with it.

    1. My statement made perfect sense. Apple builds excellent hardware that competes very well with other expensive hardware, the build quality is better than what anyone else produces, and Apple's Macintosh computers often have unique design that you cannot find elsewhere. Anybody who needs to run Windows and is willing to pay for top quality hardware is well advised to consider buying a Macintosh.

    2. You are in LOVE with an ASUS board? I'm in love with my wife. If my MacBook was stolen or damaged I wouldn't shed one tear; I would just wait for the insurance money and buy a new one. You seem to have a strange irrational emotional attachment here.

    Apr 14, 02:31 AM
    Even though I've worked in the broadcast industry for over 25 years, as a cameraman I don't consider myself to be a professional editor at all. In fact, I probably know how to use only about 1% of the full potential of Final Cut Pro.

    However, we as operators are sometimes required to send either edited track and rushes or complete edited packages from locations either locally or abroad, and in broadcast quality.

    The ease of use in acquiring footage using a tapeless medium via Log & Transfer (in our case, P2 @ DVCPRO HD), editing on a native timeline and then transferring back to a card with no loss from transcoding is phenomenal. But FCP 6 & 7 had some caveats which I'd hoped would be addressed - especially with our codec of choice.

    Our network decided to go with P2 because it was the most solid and diverse codec available for news, current affairs, sports and documentary use - being MPEG-4 native with an Intra-base (with no GOP). Metadata is an important aspect of our workflow, and older versions of FCP relied on third party applications in order to import metadata fields along with our clips.

    So far, there's not been much noise as to whether Apple have addressed further P2 support for:

    Aug 8, 02:28 PM
    I don't like the Microsoft bashing's just something that gets to me. Microsoft bashing is a waste of energy. Who cares what company did what first, as a consumer I don't care about originality. Just give me something that works. Whatever company can implement the idea the best to provide a benefit to ME, gets my business. Just shut up and innovate (like Apple has been doing), the products will speak for themselves.

    I agree totally. If anything all the bashing makes Apple (and its fans) seem insecure. Just deliver the goods and let the marketshare speak for itself. (Plus the mightier-than-thou attitude alienates PC users and makes them think twice about joining "the cult".)

    Apr 16, 11:26 AM
    Urr no. Sony Vegas had had this sort of pricing for years and is used widely professionally because that was what it was designed for. Do you actually think that being a professional is being about owning a certain piece of software?So true, I know folks still running the original Media 100, GV Edius, MC Meridiens and even first run Premiere.
    Folks you really only need one or two video layers to get a job done :)
    From my line of work I rarely go higher than 2 since most of my work is done pre NLE (motion design and 3D).

    Sep 4, 08:00 AM
    If the movie store is announced on the 12th, I'm guessing the Aussie store will arrive some time in 2009 :) though maybe movies don't have as messed up distribution rights as music, but don't hold your breath.

    Following that logic...New Zealand will get iTunes store in march 5th, 2015. Thats just a basic itunes music store. not asking for anything fancy here.

    Seriously, ALL I WANT TO DO IS BUY MUSIC!!! how hard can it be?