hair with purple tint

hair with purple tint. hair with purple tint.
  • hair with purple tint.

  • AmTechFox
    Mar 22, 06:49 AM

    Epic :D

    hair with purple tint. hair with purple tint.
  • hair with purple tint.

  • Websnapx2
    Sep 22, 01:21 PM
    All I can see them do is try to play one studio against another by telling studio A that if they deal with Apple wall-mart will in turn give preferential treatment, advertising and self-space to studio B. The only way this will work is if the have every studio thinking the same thing. The best way to counter it is if all studios hop on at once, they'll have Wall-mart bent over a barrel.

    hair with purple tint. hair with purple tint.
  • hair with purple tint.

  • TheNerdyNurse
    Mar 23, 03:23 PM
    Eh, you misunderstood me. The main point I was making is that the wife should not be able to prevent such a purchase IF THEY CAN AFFORD IT. In many cases, money itself is not an issue in such a purchase, as the wife would not blink twice in spending that amount on something SHE wants. My point was that sometimes they refuse things simply because they dont see it benefitting THEM- and that is something selfish, and shows a lack of respect. Of course if the guy is blowing $$ on an iPad when they're having trouble putting food on the table, thats an issue. My post wasnt centered on these cases. It made the assumption that it could comfortably be afforded, but which the wife doesnt see the value in it for herself, which is the sole reason of the refusal or the demand that it be returned. And Ive seen this on many, many occasions. I know this guy that brings in 6 figures a yr, yes his wife (who brings in nothing) controls the bank account. The guy has no balls, his wife dictates the purchases, buys whatever the hell she pleases, and gets upset when he spends on anything without consulting her. She doesnt let him buy **** he wants, the cost of which is a drop in the bucket compared to the income he makes, simply because SHE doesnt see the value in it. But like I said, the guy has no balls and takes it, while she spends thousands on shoes, etc without needing to consult him.But hey, some people love that ****. Sometimes you need to do things that give you individual pleasure in a marriage, not always 'pleasure as a unit'.

    Just don't forget that the concept of selfishness goes both ways.

    Its not always the wife is trying to be controlling and wants things only for herself. Its often that the wife is trying to plan for a furture, as someone else mentioned. I just think that is should be a give and take, and honestly, if my husband came home after spending $500 on anything, without consulting me, I'd be fairly upset. Unless he spent like $500 on a suitcase that had $100k in it... well I think i'd get over it. But now, that ain't never happening.

    Its not about asking permission, it is about making decisions together that effect your overall well being. $500 is alot of money to alot of people. And if $500 isn't alot, then no, you wouldn't have to ask. But just because you can still put food on the table, even if you buy that ipad, that is still not a good reason to not discuss the purchase with your significant other. It may not be taking food out of your mouth today, but it could be used for something more productive in the future. Your wife/husband may already be thinking along those lines... which is why you should discuss a $500 purchase with them.

    But this is just my humble opinion. Not saying it is appropriate for everyone, but this is the respect I think I deserve in my marriage.

    And just for further insight, I am the sole breadwinner in my house, and it still took me 4 months, multiple discussions with my husband (in which he always encouraged me to buy it), and the ability to justify it as a learning tool for my son in order to buy my iPad... and food stayed on my table the whole time.


    hair with purple tint. Scene Hair | Find the Latest
  • Scene Hair | Find the Latest

  • thefourthpope
    Mar 28, 01:36 PM
    I ranked this as a neg only since there are supply chain issues... why add another retailer?


    Redirect one of those to my door! Been waiting since 3/11.

    hair with purple tint. Red Emo Hair Style
  • Red Emo Hair Style

  • longofest
    Aug 24, 05:44 PM
    Update 2: Apple appears to have updated the battery model numbers listed on its site. The new models affected are as follows:

    12-inch iBook G4 A1061
    ZZ338 - ZZ427
    3K429 - 3K611
    6C519 - 6C552

    12-inch PowerBook G4 A1079
    ZZ411 - ZZ427
    3K428 - 3K611

    15-inch PowerBook G4 A1078 and A1148
    3K425 - 3K601
    6N530 - 6N551

    hair with purple tint. hair with purple tint. hair
  • hair with purple tint. hair

  • xUKHCx
    Apr 14, 10:10 AM
    I understand HP and Dell having such a huge market share because of large businesses and old people, but ACER?!...

    I'm fairly certain they just dumped 1.8 million units off their trucks this quarter and said somebody bought them...

    From the report:

    Acer was affected by continued turbulence in EMEA, its biggest market. Moreover, the vendor is stilling feeling the pullback in the Mini Notebook and Consumer space, while its upcoming tablets have yet to fill in the void. In the U.S., Acer also ceded its place to a surging Apple in the US

    hair with purple tint. of having purple hair
  • of having purple hair

  • thermodynamic
    Apr 11, 06:42 PM
    I fully agree with the concept of a fair playing field. Maybe the middle ground is going to be found in the cloud, but I doubt it.

    Except the cloud might be manipulated by subscription, terms of use, and other policies that do far more to benefit the cloud service (SaaS) provider. Especially regarding copyrights... in return, the cloud has one relying more on the security and storage of the cloud vendor. Since cloud vendors are only interested in the money, they're not going to take the same level of care or precautions we otherwise would.

    hair with purple tint. hair with purple tint.
  • hair with purple tint.

  • Nipsy
    Oct 13, 05:50 PM
    Originally posted by Source

    You're kidding, right?

    This is gonna be fun...

    Unfortunately, most people are NOT computer savvy and when they see an Apple Mac at 1GHz and a PC at 2.5GHz and two thirds the price, which do you think they will pick?

    Agreed, most will go the cheaper route with the bigger numbers, and it should stay that way. I'm all for Apple quadrupling their market share up to about 20%, but once we get past that share we start getting 'undocumented Windows features' on our Macs. Virii, security exploits, crappy software, spyware, etc.

    I don't expect 20% of the cars I see to be luxury cars, the same is true of computers.

    It's the same reason people will pick up a Gamecube over an Xbox - They don't take time to find out what comes with either, they just pick the cheapest. Nemo: "Well it does the same thing, dunnit?"

    If I'm not mistaken, most of the 'people' you're referring to bought a PS2.

    You simply can't configure your hardware in a mac as much as you can in a PC. I know people who are hardcore PC "tinkerers", who barely touch their mac (with regards to messing with the hardware), because there's simply nothing interesting to do with it, except maybe upgrade it.

    True, if you want a neon coumputer with hydraulics that'll do the '3 wheel motion' get a PC. If you want a computer which looks great as manufactured, get a Mac.

    To put it into my beloved auto analogies, you can lower and tune a Honda Accord, put neon lights, big woofers, nitrous, and glitter paint on it. You could spend six figures doing this.

    If you have half a brain, you spend 80k and buy a 1997 Porsche Turbo.

    Can you buy a 5 fan aluminium case for a mac? No.

    With a cool running chip, why run 5 fans?

    Can you buy cooling systems, fan regulators and lights? No.

    Well, you can, but, why would you?

    Can you buy wrapped IDE cables and cut a hole in the side of your mac to show off everything inside? No.

    Oh yeah, I forgot, only those proprietary Apple brand flat IDE cables work in a Mac.

    And I've got a Dremel and a Sawzall, I can cut a hole in anything I want to. However, I find my computer aesthetically pleasing, and don't enjoy looking at cables, cards, and drives as they sit static all day long

    Do you have different types of hardware manufacturers, competing for your money? Well yes, but not as much as PC users.

    More and more we're gonna ruin this argument. UNIX has as many driver options for hardware as Windows. Already, some PC cards are working out of the box, and drivers for many more are being rewritten for Jaguar (PPC+BSD). This argument is valid now, but not for long.

    The very market Apple has always played for and still plays for today, to some extent, is people who are computer illiterate. Nearly all of their advertising campaigns say: "Macs are easier to use that PCs." Thereby trying to attract those who can't use PCs, or at least, find them difficult to use.

    What they're playing for is those who want to use a computer to do work, not those who want to do work on a computer. I've got 2 Macs, 2 PCs, and a Sun box at my desk. I am able to do more in a day on the Macs, because they don't get in my way, they don't have DLL conflicts, they don't BSOD, they just work.

    Talk to the smartest engineers in the world about anything, and they'll all tell you to employ the KISS principle at all times for a better product. That's 'Keep it simple, stupid'.

    Apple has always made things simple, yet powerful, well still keeping them idiot proof. That is why they have such amazing loyalty.

    Mac users are the most disillusioned people that i've ever seen. You guys lie and lie and lie to yourselves time and again, just to make yourselves feel better about buying a Mac.

    There's a lot of truth to this. People who think that the G4 1GHz is faster than 2+GHz x86's are indeed delusional. I will, however, be glad to point out that Windows is not a productive place to work, and all the extra mousing, clicking, rebooting, debugging, and BSODing adds up to a lot of wasted time you don't have with a Mac. Additionally, the TCO and downtime/year of the Mac is far superior in a business environment (businesses are the places where computers don't have neon lights, and the people want to work, FYI).

    In general, if you want a computer for gaming, you DO NOT buy a Mac, unless you're very stupid. I'd say about one tenth of the games that come out on PC, also get released on Macs, and even when they do, it's a few months to a year after the PC version is released. Granted, Apple is doing an amazing job of getting more games developers to release OSX version of their games, but still, most of the time Mac users have to wait for the game to be release after the PC version. Although, basically all of the best games do eventually get released on Macs. The words "Mac Gamer" is an oxymoron and the words "Hardcore Mac Gamer" is just a myth.

    Sure, we're not a gaming platform first and foremost. You should see the three bad games I have on my Solaris machine... Anyway, we get out games a bit later, and I'm okay with that, but as things progress, I think you'll see the quality games released concurrently (like Warcraft III).

    A Mac is a great computer, so stop bull****ting yourselves about all of the things you think it can do and just accept that Macs are still more stylish and more stable than PCs and have, in my opinion and i'm sure yours, a much better looking and interesting to use OS. PCs are slowly catching up to Macs in that department, especially with regards to stability and if you really want a stylish computer, it's easy to find as long as you have someone that can build it. I'd personally, rather have a well build, aluminium case (NOT Lian Li cr@p) cased computer than a white, plastic Mac that anyone can buy.

    To each they're own. I'm not 13, so I don't wan't an erector set case with lights and a window, and 5 noisy fans.

    PCs maybe catching up on stability (I stop at Win2k Pro), but they are losing on Privacy, Fair Use, extensibility, programmability, style, ease of use. and productivity.

    Also, anyone here can fix a Mac with relative ease (if something goes wrong), but 90% of PC users flail miserably until calling in professional support. That says a lot.

    It's been proven that more intelligent and richer people buy Macs. And that is the most moronic thing i've ever heard. OF COURSE the people who buy macs are, in general, going to have more money and be more intelligent, for the simple fact that Macs are far more expensive than PCs. That's like saying:

    "People that buy Mercedes cars are more intelligent and richer than people who buy Skodas."

    Macs are more expensive, therefore you need more money to buy them, - the people who buy them have more money because they have better jobs and they have those better jobs because they have college degrees or a better education. GET IT?

    Considering that statement says Mac users are more intelligent than PC users, Mac users sure do buy into a lot of stupid, ************, sensationalized advertising.

    Well, aside from making an argument, and immediately contradicting it, did you have a point?

    The cult of Macintosh is built around taste. An appreciation for design, ease of use, quality, value, etc.

    That doesn't mean stupid people don't have Macs, and smart people don't have PCs.

    It simply means PC users, on the average, are likely to own Lay-Z-Boys, and Mac owners, on the average are likely to own Eames chairs.

    Taste, some have it, some don't.

    I believe that Apple WAS turning heads, but with the advent of the 3GHz Intel CPU, i hope Apple will finally start to realize that they need to do something, and fast, but i don't think they will.

    Ever seen a PC on the cover of Time magazine? Ever seen a bunch of Mac journalists go 'wow, this Windows on Intel thing is really cool'? Ever think that maybe you're not privy to Apple's master plan?

    I've been using Macs since 1984, and I've heard 'Apple better....' more times than I care to imagine. Like before they revolutionized the publishing industry. Like before the orignal iMac was introduced. Like before they brought UNIX to the masses. I'm really not too worried that 'Apple had better...'

    Now don't get me wrong, i love Macs. What i HATE is Mac users who continue to lie about what Macs can do, what people who use Macs are like and spout crap like: "Mac users are sooo much better than PC users!". Just grow up!

    What can't a Mac do? Play DiVX movies well.
    What can a Mac do? Run 99% of all software ever written (MacOS, UNIX, Windows via VPC, C64, SNES, etc through emulation).

    Mac users are uppity about being Mac users because they have less problems, it doesn't make them better.

    And the sadness of it all is that, in my experience, PC users don't really give a crap about Mac users, but Mac users continue to insult PC users at every chance they get. It's childish.

    Actually, Mac users tend to bash PC users who show up in Mac forums touting the great benefits of Wintel.

    Mac users (over 18) usually don't have the energy to go muckraking in the PC world.

    It's Apples fault. If they can't run their company properly, they can't expect anyone else to do it for them.

    Can't run their company? This is too puerile to be real. They're doing huge things in a crap market, creating new revenue streams, new products, etc.

    Name a profitable PC company recently?

    Give you a hint, starts with A

    Maybe by 'can't run thier company' you meant 'can't please me'?

    Now when are the fricking new Macs going to be released?

    When the planets chip/market/inventory/r&d/manufacturing/cost align in 2003.

    hair with purple tint. hair with purple tint.
  • hair with purple tint.

  • MacinDoc
    Jan 11, 04:41 PM
    1. Big :apple:TV upgrade with bigger avaiable HD, 1080p output and PVR functionality, along with iTunes movie rentals.

    2. iPhone 2.0 with up to 32 GB flash and the first wave of official 3rd party apps (those developers that were seeded with the SDK early). 3G data is also a longshot.

    3. One more thing: MacBook Lite. Flash-based HD, external optical drive, low-power Penryn CPU, Intel integrated graphics, 10 hr battery life. In an aluminum case with multitouch interface. Apple's "best portable computer ever".

    hair with purple tint. Photo of 2008 purple tint
  • Photo of 2008 purple tint

  • lostngone
    Mar 29, 01:10 AM
    Event sells out when there are fewer seats. it could just be another strategy to create news. When you have too many empty seats, it does not look good for the the press nor the attendees.

    A company would rather have a news that says "sold out" than too many left overs.


    I don't understand what you are saying?

    Are you trying to say Apple may have undersold WWDC?

    hair with purple tint. Purple Hair amp; Hair Accessories
  • Purple Hair amp; Hair Accessories

  • gelinasbrian
    Oct 18, 04:08 PM
    You can change the tracking settings to make it faster...

    TY for the info. I have been made aware of the settings from a few people. I still like the Trackpad better though.;)

    hair with purple tint. Bold Hair Color Ideas 2011
  • Bold Hair Color Ideas 2011

  • Sky Blue
    Sep 12, 03:31 PM
    One of the best application updates Apple has done in a long time.

    Great job Apple. Simply great.

    Agreed. iTunes 5 and 6 were a little 'meh' but I'm loving 7 so far.

    hair with purple tint. Nice Hair
  • Nice Hair

  • YourHerojb
    May 5, 10:49 PM
    With this 3D facetracking display being rumored, the first thing I thought of was the future of iPad gaming.
    Imagine playing a game, where instead of moving the right analog to change the camera angle, you just move your head to look around the corner.
    (come on everybodys tried it with there tv at least once :P)

    But then I came upon the fact that the placing of the cam on the ipad would pretty much prevent landscape mode since your thumb would be in the way.
    Then of course, theres the new smart cover or any docking system, you could prop it up in landscape mode and use some sort of bluetooth controller or maybe an iPhone as a controller to your iPad.

    I would be so impressed.

    hair with purple tint. hair with purple tint. sbarton
  • hair with purple tint. sbarton

  • AxisOfBeagles
    Mar 7, 11:40 AM
    More from south of the border ....

    hair with purple tint. brown hair with purple streaks
  • brown hair with purple streaks

  • rainydays
    Nov 7, 01:36 PM
    Well a reseller telles me 'what people want' is a 13 inch MBP and this would create something similar but far enough away to justify the price difference.
    The MB has not really filled the niche of the 12 inch Powerbook yet.

    You can already get a MB with more RAM and larger HDD so what would be the point of that? A 13 inch MBP would make more sense.

    hair with purple tint. Rainbow Hair Color Idea. Tint
  • Rainbow Hair Color Idea. Tint

  • Keleko
    Mar 14, 09:08 PM
    I didn't even see the contrail when I took the picture... (

    hair with purple tint. June 2008: Purple tint
  • June 2008: Purple tint

  • ten-oak-druid
    May 5, 12:09 AM
    Yeah, Blu Ray players are pretty useless because of the PS3, which is usually cheaper and can play Blu Ray anyway. Of course, my dad got a Blu Ray player before I could say anything :rolleyes:

    And I think the digital copy is useless because of Netflix, which can just stream it. The internet is the future for now, not discs.

    I don't know about the digital copy being useless. I have netflix and I also add movies to itunes. I see them as complimentary. Some items I do not care to purchase and it is nice to have netflix. On the other hand I like owning movie and TV shows that I really like. Also netflix doesn't have everything I want. And don't forget when traveling, you don't always have good internet.

    The Apple TV is nice because it accesses both netflix and my itunes media.

    Anyway movies I really like, I tend to buy physical copies anyway and rip them to add to itunes. The digital copy/blu ray is better as I can play the 1080p version once in a while and access it on the computer/ iOS anytime.

    I'm looking forward to the release of Lord of the Rings extended edition coming out this summer on blu ray. I believe that has digital copy too.

    hair with purple tint. Purple, red, pink as well as
  • Purple, red, pink as well as

  • dontmatter
    Sep 13, 02:38 AM
    As much as I love them, all of Apple's designs are getting old. The Macbook (nee iBook) has looked the same (minus a few paint jobs) for over 5 years; the current iMac design harkens back to the eMac (yes, I know, its flatter, what an innovation...wheee), which in turn was highly derivative of the original iMac. The MacBook Pro is just an AluPB, which in turn was merely a revision of the original Titanium G4. Now, the "new" iPod nano is nothing more than a iPod mini that went on a diet, and the full iPod, although much sleeker than its predecessors, is still essentially the same design as the iPod that came out in 2001. And the story goes on: the Mac Pro, a warmed over PowerMac G5; the Airport/Airport extreme, essentially unchanged since its release; the Airport Express, a power adapter with flashing lights; the iSight, unchanged since its release; the Mighty Mouse, same design as the Apple Pro Mouse, etc. Essentially, the only new designs in the last three years have been: the Mac mini, the iPod shuffle, and the Cinema Displays, none of which could be considered to be attention-getters. Even the new, unreleased "iTV" is copying the Mac mini design. Not too impressive for a company which claims high design as a main benefit. Where is the new cube? the iMac (& G4)? the tiBook? There is nothing fresh or innovative about their current lineup, nothing exciting or innovative.Instead, its all inoffensively sterile, to my eyes; walking into an Apple store has become similar to walking into IKEA, nothing unexpected, just clean lines. It's like they've become artistically constipated. Or is this just what we get for Apple's new push on "competitive prices"?

    In my opinion, its time for some fresh blood, someone with a new vision. And yes, I'm looking squarely at you, Steve and Jonathan. I want to be <i>excited</i> again, and not just by the "guts" of the computer. I, for one, miss the Macworlds of 5 years ago...

    Agreed, sadly. My first reaction to the new mini is... I mean nano is... the mini is not old enough to be retro yet! Slipping in an intermediary (the origional nano, which itself was a throwback to the origional ipod) in the line of the shrinking mini does not make it revolutionary, but in fact, makes it not even keep pace with being evolutionary! While I know that many will argue that the reason is that today's designs are perfect, and also that, particularly with laptops, color and texture and corners are the only things you can play with, that's not enough. Apple has, previously, been amazing, shocking us and making us fall in love in one move. But it's been a good long while before we've been shocked at all, and it's hard to stay in love this long.

    Remember the recent redesign that has swept across BMW's lineup? The awful trunk on the 5 series, the controversy, the debate? And how tired Mercedes looked in comparison, how bland? But it wasn't a sure thing, the new beamers were risky, right? I, for one, thought that the previous generation was about as close to visually perfect as any car since a dusenberg, and hated the redesign. But.... it's grown on me, and I'm thuroughly fond of the new theme, and the old looks tired to me (in another 15 years it'll look great, no doubt).

    That's what apple needs. But now they're like mercedes- beautiful, for sure, but also boring. Same with the OS! They have the capability to pull off risky designs, for sure. They would definately be a BMW rather than a GM if the decided to actually design something. But no, they can't even come up with a '07 toyota camry's worth of design.

    So I'm hoping that they've been doing this strategically, to manage their risks a bit while things like the intel switch, introduction of the nano (with, remember, less memory for more money), have been providing as much risk as they can take. The important thing is, now that they're transitioned, and now that they don't have to work to sell ipods, they've got to take those risks, and do that work, or else somebody else will. If your not moving forward, your falling behind.

    hair with purple tint. ends of my hair are purple
  • ends of my hair are purple

  • AndroidfoLife
    Apr 16, 11:32 PM
    I would say for laptops Apple is up in the top three for the best built and what not. For desk tops... ALL companies suck. The best ones are the ones you build yourself. Handsdown.

    Windows or mac. I use windows. I don't really care to much. It runs my programs and thats the only thing that matters. I don't use most of their installed programs because they suck. I use chrome as my webbrowser, VLC to play videos, iTunes for music (the halo effect. I got when I had my Ipod. Sold my iPod for School books. got a new computer and realized it was the fifth program i installed.) Open office for documents. I basically own windows for the basic ability to interact with my hardware. Other then that I don't need it.

    I do have Mac os on it, but most of the drivers don't work and i am to lazy/don't care to get ones that work for my hardware. I would love to see apple allow people to run OEM mac OS.

    Sep 22, 01:23 PM
    Thanks Crap-Mart, one less reason to shop at your store! :)

    Apr 2, 01:59 PM
    Besides all the other points here, it would be nice to acknowledge Obama was never in any sense an anti-war candidate. He campaigned aggressively on escalation in Afghanistan and Pakistan, which he had always supported. If democrats supported him as such, they were quite simply misinformed or weren't paying attention. Of course, the GoP also tried to attack him as an anti-war candidate, which makes the attacks of warmongering especially hypocritical. Especially compared to the Bush doctrine we just got out of. It's bizarre that the GoP are so quick to say that Obama is "the same" as Bush, but continue to support Bush and the actions the GoP took under him. People like Newt are the worst - calling for action on Libya until Obama takes it, then instantly criticizing the president.

    I really can't fathom the fuss over this Libyan thing while we still have troops that are dying every day in Afghanistan and Pakistan. Especially since the GoP refuse to acknowledge that Iraq "the sequel" as the disaster it was, while at the same time condemning the Libya engagement as excessive.

    If Rand Paul opposed those, good for him, but he certainly doesn't represent the majority of the GoP or even the TEA party.

    Aug 29, 08:50 AM
    According to the Wikipedia article, a Home Basic upgrade is only $99.95, which is cheaper than the standard $129 for OS X releases. Then again, education customers can often get Mac OS for around $70 in some cases, if I'm not mistaken. I don't know if there will be education discounts for Vista or how much they will be. With so many versions and price points for Vista and an unknown price tag for Leopard, it's very complicated to make comparisons...

    Now one of the big questions is, who can get a Home Basic upgrade and how much are Home Basic users missing out on if they get that as opposed to Aero, etc.? No one knows for sure all the details at this point and we won't know for sure until official announcements are made. Although I would take OS X over Windows any day, we have to be cautious I think before saying Mac's upgrades are cheaper than Windows'. It looks like in many cases they will be, but not necessarily in all cases.

    Yeah, but Home Basic is crap.

    Aug 3, 01:45 AM
    This guy is just sour that he ain't in Vegas.

    this guy is not in vegas because his exploit has as much holes as this story.

    i just wasted 20 minutes of my life reading the blog, watching the video. and dare i say, reading this thread?

    ok. got to get back to work. catch you guys later.

    Mar 18, 01:25 PM (